The transition to virtual courtrooms is going to need a more effective and efficient medium to streamline processes. Digital Briefs will be instrumental in achieving that transition successfully. The stakeholders and end users of the digital brief of evidence are not limited to the courtroom.
Comtrac Resources
The impact of the move towards the alternative remote workplace environments will be significant challenge to agencies which have regulatory investigation roles. Now more then ever, without the normal support of workplace peers and close supervision from management and supervisors, the agency will need to set up environments that will encourage and drive 'consistency' in effective investigation management methodologies.
Now this is not to say that 60% are sitting around doing nothing. Far from it. But a significant percentage, due to lack of clarity, motivation, confidence and accountability have settled back into cruise control. It’s not intentional and its not malicious. It’s just human nature.
The cost of the Criminal Justice Process (CJP) is a global problem. The team at COMtrac explains why streamlining the criminal justice process is paramount moving forward.
Law enforcement and regulatory agencies continue to implement "first response" technology to enable them to provide rapid response to the call for assistance or response to a complaint. However a rapid response to complaints is only partially meeting community expectations.
Join us in Canberra on the 18th & 19th of September 2018 for the Criterion “Enhancing Investigation & Enforcement Outcomes” Conference, where we’ll outline our proven approach to increasing the efficiency and quality of regulatory and law enforcement investigations.
30 June 2018 Investigation Management Australia is proud to be sponsoring and hosting a COMtrac workshop at the Youth, Technology & Virtual Communities Conference (hosted by Queensland Police Service) on the Gold Coast - 27-29 August 2018.
A significant amount of a prosecutor’s time and resources is spent analysing the brief of evidence, confirming the relevance of evidence and witnesses, and preparing strategies to present that evidence in proceedings. The presentation of evidence in the proceedings may actually constitute a fraction of the prosecutor’s time and resources allocated to a particular case.